PAR is currently collecting normative, reliability, and validity data for a number of new products in development. Data collectors are responsible for obtaining test subjects based on the specific project needs as outlined by the Data Collection Coordinator and are compensated on a "per case" basis that varies with each project. Typically, we offer examiners/data collectors an option for either cash payments or credit toward PAR products. We also have provisions for compensating examinees. PAR pays for all shipping and handling fees arising from data collection. If you are interested in collaborating with PAR as a data collector, complete the Examiner Information Form.

For more information on the data collection process, visit this page.

Many tests and materials sold by PAR are available only to those professionals who are appropriately trained to administer, score, and interpret psychological tests. Eligibility to purchase restricted materials is determined on the basis of training, education, and experience. Here's a quick tutorial on our qualification levels and what you need to do to make sure your credentials are up-to-date.

Qualification Level: A

No special qualifications are required, although the range of products eligible for purchase is limited.

Qualification Level: B

A degree from an accredited 4-year college or university in psychology, counseling, speech-language pathology, or a closely related field plus satisfactory completion of coursework in test interpretation, psychometrics and measurement theory, educational statistics, or a closely related area; or license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests.

Certain healthcare providers may be eligible to purchase selected B and C level instruments within their area of expertise.

Qualification Level: C

All qualifications for Level B plus an advanced professional degree that provides appropriate training in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests, or license or certification from an agency that requires appropriate training and experience in the ethical and competent use of psychological tests.

Certain healthcare providers may be eligible to purchase selected B and C level instruments within their area of expertise.

Qualification Level: S

A degree, certificate, or license to practice in a healthcare profession or occupation, including (but not limited to) the following: medicine, neurology, nursing, occupational therapy and other allied healthcare professions, physician's assistants, psychiatry, social work; plus appropriate training and experience in the ethical administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical behavioral assessment instruments.

Any PAR Customer already qualified to purchase a B or C level product is also qualified to purchase an S level product.

To establish your Qualification Level, you can either download a PAR Customer Qualification Form (you will need Adobe Acrobat to view and print the form for submission to PAR), or you can complete the Registration and Qualification process online (see Registration Help for details).


  • Approximately 106,500 psychologists hold current licenses in the U.S.

  • 17,890 psychologists are located in California, the state with the most licensed psychologists.

  • 170 psychologists are located in Wyoming, the state with the fewest licensed psychologists.

  • The District of Columbia has the greatest representation of psychologists per 100,000 population—173.3!

  • There are approximately 33.9 psychologists per 100,000 individuals in the U.S. population. To see the distribution of psychologists in your state, visit APA.

  • More than 6,000 doctorates in psychology were awarded in the U.S. in 2012.

  • Approximately 74 percent of those doctorates were categorized as research/scholarship; 24 percent were awarded as professional practice. To view the breakdown of degrees by subfield, visit APA’s Center for Workforce Studies.

Source: APA’s Center for Workforce Studies
The PAR Assessment Toolkit provides shortcuts to the tools you use on a daily basis—now streamlined with more functionality, a more modern look and feel, and improved features. As always, the PAR Assessment Toolkit is free.

  • Browse products by construct using the PAR Product Finder™.

  • Link directly to your PARiConnect account to review reports; add, remove, and edit client information; and make client notes.

  • Convert scores for the BRIEF®, BRIEF®-SR, BRIEF®-A, BRIEF®-P, MMSE®-2™, MMSE®, NEO-PI-3™, PAI®, PSI™-4, PSI™-4-SF, RAIT™, TOGRA™, and VAS—for free!

  • Read about the latest psychology news and watch PAR videos.

  • Stay informed about where PAR will exhibit and the various informative Webinars we offer.

  • Link to our Twitter, LinkedIn®, and Facebook pages and to Google Scholar™.

Your favorite features from the prior version are still included. If you already have the PAR Assessment Toolkit on your device, it will update automatically. To download the app, visit Google Play or the App Store.
PAR is proud to announce that the following software products are now available for direct download to your computer through our Web site,

Simply click on the product page link and select the Download item code or the Download with CD-ROM item code to have a backup CD mailed to you.

We hope you will enjoy being able to download software products directly from PAR and hope to make more products available in this way in the future. We are conducting a survey to see which other software products you would like to be made available in this format.

We appreciate your feedback. Thank you for helping us to understand how we can better serve you.


The percentage of psychologists who are self-employed—mainly as private practitioners.*


The percentage of employment growth expected between 2008 and 2018 for the overall field of psychology. Clinical, counseling, and school psychology are expected to grow about 11%, while industrial-organization psychology is expected to grow 26%.*


The projected number of additional neuropsychologists that will be needed by 2018 to keep up with demand.*


The number of states that currently allow appropriately-trained psychologists to prescribe medications (Louisiana and New Mexico).*


The number of jobs held by psychologists in 2008.*


The percentage of the employed population who are psychologists in New Mexico, the state with the highest concentration of psychologists. Massachusetts, New York, Vermont, and Connecticut all have concentrations of more than 0.1% of their respective populations.*


The annual mean wage for psychologists in New Jersey, the top paying state for psychologists.*


According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Center for Workforce Studies, the number of practicing psychologists in the U.S.


The number of psychologists who are members of a union.*

*Information from the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.
