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Wouldn’t it be nice to have a group you could contact to discuss professional assessment products? We thought so too, so PAR has established a discussion group on our LinkedIn page!

Originally started as a group for our University Partnership Program, we’d like to invite all PAR Customers to join our group where you can ask questions about—or share your experiences with—our assessment products. The group is designed to encourage the discussion of academic uses, research pursuits, and assessment instruction using PAR proprietary instruments. Whether you are teaching students how to use assessment products and looking to share ideas with other instructors, using a PAR product and looking to connect with other users, or simply wanting to discuss assessments with other professionals, this group is an open forum for discussion on the use of PAR products. 

Join the discussion! https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8668065

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Did you know there are many large organizations that use the Self-Directed Search (SDS) on a regular basis? One of the most widely used career interest inventories, the SDS is routinely administered by universities, colleges, school districts, and other large businesses to a diverse base of clients, students, and even job applicants.

If you’re part of a large organization that you believe could benefit from the insight the SDS offers, than you may be interested in our SDS Partnership program. The program provides customized access to the SDS and offers predetermined payment options.

For any partnership, we can:

  • Customize group access via a partnership web page or custom link that can include your logo and branding and any instructions you wish to provide. This is included as part of the regular SDS Partnership fees.
  • Allow you to designate a supervisor’s or coordinator’s e-mail address where your clients’ or students’ reports can be sent, so you can monitor usage and results.
  • Provide you with a data file of your clients’ or students’ assessment results for further analysis.
  • Advise you on our multiple payment options so you can choose the one that best fits your organization.

Want to learn more about the benefits of the SDS Partnership program? Our Customer Support Specialists are available via e-mail or you may call them at 1.866.727.2884. 

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You may not know what all of these mean, but PAR does. And we are staying on the cutting edge—we do it voluntarily to keep your data private and secure. PAR chooses to comply with all of these security frameworks in order to provide a system that is as strong as it is secure. It’s as important to us that we keep your data away from the bad guys as it is we keep it available to the good guys—like you.

99.99% availability since 2016.

More than twice as fast as other assessment platforms.

No-hassle service and support.

Learn more about PARiConnect.

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Looking for a more objective and effective way to assess talent? Introducing InVista, a revolutionary new platform designed to help you identify talent, develop employees, and grow your business.

You know recruiting is too important to leave to chance. Hiring the wrong person lowers performance, destroys organizational morale, and costs you money. InVista was designed to bring science and objectivity into the recruitment and hiring process so you can hire the right person the first time.

Developed by experienced I-O psychologists, InVista draws on 40 years of scientifically reliable, valid, and predictive success in psychometric and clinical assessment. It offers individual tests for targeted and precise measurement needs, role-specific solutions that measure specific competencies linked to job performance, and advanced solutions for leadership or high-potential staff assessment.

Our products help you identify the necessary abilities for job performance and link those abilities to customized hiring solutions. We can develop tests to measure virtually any competency, skill, or knowledge domain relevant to your business.

Learn more about how InVista can help your business as Craig Dawson, PhD, InVista’s director of HR assessments, presents “Demonstrating the Value of Talent Programs to Senior Leadership” during the HR Tampa, Society for Human Resource Management Dinner Meeting on August 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Centre Club in Tampa. Register here.

Dr. Dawson’s presentation will demonstrate how modern science and practice findings from the field of I-O psychology make talent programs valuable to organizations, how to use best practices and legal guidelines to support strategic organizational goals, and what makes the return on investment of talent programs resonate with senior leadership. 

Learn more about InVista at www.invistatalent.com.
