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It will be our busiest week of the summer as we attend two conferences, giving us more chances to meet with our Customers!

First, the National Career Development Association (NCDA) Global Career Development Conference will be held June 27-29 in Houston. Then we’ll be heading to Boston for the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Annual Conference from June 29-July 2.

At both conferences, we’ll be featuring the Self-Directed Search (SDS). If you’re attending either conference, stop by the SDS booth (#101 at NCDA and #1108 at ASCA) to pick up a FREE SDS sample pack! You can also enter a raffle to win an SDS print kit. We’ll have product samples, and conference attendees will be eligible to take the SDS for free for a limited time. Stop by our booth for details, or just to say hello!

One more thing—we’ll be offering special discounts on any purchases made at the SDS booth during both conferences. You’ll save 15% on your order and we’ll include free ground shipping.

We hope to see you in Houston or Boston!
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We are getting ready for the imminent release of PARiConnect 3.0. To get ready for the release, here are a few things we’ve added to make your experience even better!

1)      A redesigned user interface creates an intuitive and streamlined PARiConnect experience.

2)      New search and filter options make it easy to find reports, clients, groups, and more! Sort by client name, client ID, group, report, assessment, or test date range!

3)      New e-mail templates offer the ability to save your instructions for further use. No need to write new e-mail text with each assessment, now you can save your work as a template and use it over and over again!

4)      New View Responses screen allows you to edit client demographic data prior to generating a report. This is especially helpful if a birth date or a last name was entered incorrectly.

Best of all, you don’t have to do anything to take advantage of the new system. Upon launch, your data and account information will seamlessly transfer to the upgraded platform. Just sign in with your user name and password and you will be taken to the upgraded PARiConnect experience.

PARiConnect 3.0: Coming soon!




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Coming soon!

The precision behind PARiConnect makes it the most reliable platform in the online assessment industry. But sometimes function can benefit from an injection of grace and style. PARiConnect 3.0 will bring new choreography based on Customer suggestions, including a sleeker design that features a more intuitive interface. This will be the platform you’ll enjoy using. 

The all-new PARiConnect 3.0—leaps ahead of the competition.

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A group of PAR staff will attend the 17th American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) Conference this week in Chicago. We will have many of your favorite products on display, including the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) and Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF2).

We will also have some of our newest products on hand, including an innovative take on the traditional trail-making task, the Trails-X, and a new measure that assesses executive functioning following concussion, the PostConcussion Executive Inventory.

Make sure to stop by our booth and take advantage of your 15% conference discount (including free shipping and handling) on all purchases, and pick up a free PAR notebook (while supplies last).  
