Need help choosing the version of the Academic Achievement Battery (AAB) that best fits your needs? Here’s a little insight to help you choose which assessment product is right for you.
What it does: Delivers a quick measure of basic academic skills, including a reading comprehension subtest.
Administration and scoring time: 15-30 minutes to administer; 5-10 minutes to score.
When to use it: To obtain a quick and accurate measure of an individual’s performance that includes a reading comprehension subtest.
How it helps clinicians: Offers a quick, efficient measure of academic achievement that includes a Reading Composite score, which provides more data to understand an individual’s reading skills.
AAB Comprehensive
What it does: Provides a complete assessment of an individual’s overall performance on seven disparate aspects of achievement.
Administration and scoring time: 90 minutes to administer; 15 minutes to score.
When to use it: To conduct an in-depth and complete assessment of academic achievement.
How it helps clinicians: Provides a complete assessment of an individual’s academic skills that is suitable for use in eligibility decisions or intervention planning; IQ discrepancy data are available.
AAB Screening
What it does: Offers a snapshot of performance in four areas of achievement, including a measure of writing.
When to use it: To perform a fast and reliable screening of academic achievement that offers an optional writing subtest.
How it helps clinicians: Delivers a fundamental evaluation of academic skills for those referred for learning or vocational concerns.
The PAR Training Portal is a great way to learn more about select PAR instruments. Whether you want to preview a measure you are considering, gain greater insight on a favorite assessment product, or simply look for further information on how to interpret scores, the PAR Training Portal is a free, on-demand resource available 24/7 to fit your schedule.
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As part of our mission, PAR aims to provide the best support to our Customers. It is our goal to contribute not only with the best assessment tools, but with the best training on these tools as well. To learn more about the Training Portal or register for your free account, visit the PAR Training Portal web page.
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