Administration and scoring for the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) is now available on PARiConnect! The WCST assesses perseveration and abstract thinking, and is considered a measure of executive function due to its reported sensitivity to frontal lobe dysfunction. Now with the WCST on PARiConnect, you can assess for executive functions in a way that fits your practice and your patient’s needs. Plus, the WCST on PARiConnect allows you to:
Practice social distancing by administering remotely.
Save valuable clinical time by letting PARiConnect score for you.
Choose 64- or 128-card version—one inventory gives you added flexibility!
Know that research has demonstrated general equivalence between computerized and card administration of the WCST.
Now you can purchase the quantities you need without the expense of software or licenses! Learn more about the WCST on PARiConnect!
The pandemic has made it difficult to do many things, and it’s also had a huge impact on printed and mailed materials. Many people find that their magazines and catalogs are delayed or are no longer available.
PAR’s Winter 2021 print catalogs were delivered to your home or office last week. However, we know that many of you continue to work from home or have restrictions on your mail and may not have been able to access them.
Our new e-Catalogs allow you to conveniently browse our catalog pages from your computer or tablet 24/7. See what’s new!
Our Clinical Assessment Solutions catalog showcases the importance of wellbeing, offers solutions on how to stay safe during therapy sessions, and provides tips to overcome “Zoom fatigue.”
Our School Assessment Solutions catalog helps you understand how trauma affects students, offers ways to assess the impact of trauma, and provides strategies to help you develop a trauma-sensitive environment.
Choose the catalog you need!
PARiConnect is already the most reliable platform in the industry, but our new improvements make it even easier for you to navigate the transition to remote administration.
Digital library
Manage your digital assets easier! With centralized storage provided by the digital library, all e-Manuals you have purchased from PAR are now available in one convenient location. Simply log into your PARiConnect account to access your materials. With this added flexibility, you can now access your manuals from most internet-connected devices—no matter where you are!
Interactive bell curve
Use the interactive bell curve to quickly assess and visually capture scores and see how they relate to others. This tool is a great way to help explain assessment results to clients.
Both the digital library and the interactive bell curve can be accessed within the PARiConnect Quick Links section.
Don’t have a PARiConnect account? Register for free!
Have you found forms from outdated assessments taking up space your office? Many Customers are unsure what to do with unused or obsolete test protocols or materials from prior versions of an instrument. Rather than letting old forms collect dust on a shelf, PAR recommends that you destroy and discard these materials in a secure manner.
If you or your institution does not have access to a secure recycling program, PAR is happy to help! Simply e-mail or call our Customer Support line at 1.800.331.8378 and a specialist will help you obtain a prepaid return label so we may discard the materials through our own corporate recycling program. This program is available only to our Customers in the U.S.