The percentage of psychologists who are self-employed—mainly as private practitioners.*


The percentage of employment growth expected between 2008 and 2018 for the overall field of psychology. Clinical, counseling, and school psychology are expected to grow about 11%, while industrial-organization psychology is expected to grow 26%.*


The projected number of additional neuropsychologists that will be needed by 2018 to keep up with demand.*


The number of states that currently allow appropriately-trained psychologists to prescribe medications (Louisiana and New Mexico).*


The number of jobs held by psychologists in 2008.*


The percentage of the employed population who are psychologists in New Mexico, the state with the highest concentration of psychologists. Massachusetts, New York, Vermont, and Connecticut all have concentrations of more than 0.1% of their respective populations.*


The annual mean wage for psychologists in New Jersey, the top paying state for psychologists.*


According to the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Center for Workforce Studies, the number of practicing psychologists in the U.S.


The number of psychologists who are members of a union.*

*Information from the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.
