Coming Soon: A New PAR Website
June 24, 2024

A new PAR website is on the way! PAR staff have been working behind the scenes to improve your online experience. Here are a few things to look forward to when we release our new site:

  • Optimized mobile experience. Browse the site more easily and make purchases on-the-go straight from your device. 
  • Improved navigation. Find what you are looking for faster. 
  • Upgraded search capabilities. An advanced global search will point you in the right direction toward products, scholarly materials, video or webinar content, and more.
  • Enhanced order history. Reorder from past purchases in a more simplified way—right down to refilling your inventory of specific items from previously purchased kits! 
  • Elevated product experience. In addition to updates to the product listing that will allow you to select items a la carte from kits and the ability to filter item lists, new group pages will provide greater insight into the full array of options for our larger product families.


Plus, we know you will enjoy the sleek and modern look of the new parinc.com! Don’t worry, your current account information will transfer seamlessly. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store!

Get a sneak peek here!
