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We are getting ready for the imminent release of PARiConnect 3.0. To get ready for the release, here are a few things we’ve added to make your experience even better!

1)      A redesigned user interface creates an intuitive and streamlined PARiConnect experience.

2)      New search and filter options make it easy to find reports, clients, groups, and more! Sort by client name, client ID, group, report, assessment, or test date range!

3)      New e-mail templates offer the ability to save your instructions for further use. No need to write new e-mail text with each assessment, now you can save your work as a template and use it over and over again!

4)      New View Responses screen allows you to edit client demographic data prior to generating a report. This is especially helpful if a birth date or a last name was entered incorrectly.

Best of all, you don’t have to do anything to take advantage of the new system. Upon launch, your data and account information will seamlessly transfer to the upgraded platform. Just sign in with your user name and password and you will be taken to the upgraded PARiConnect experience.

PARiConnect 3.0: Coming soon!




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Coming soon!

The precision behind PARiConnect makes it the most reliable platform in the online assessment industry. But sometimes function can benefit from an injection of grace and style. PARiConnect 3.0 will bring new choreography based on Customer suggestions, including a sleeker design that features a more intuitive interface. This will be the platform you’ll enjoy using. 

The all-new PARiConnect 3.0—leaps ahead of the competition.

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A group of PAR staff will attend the 17th American Academy of Clinical Neuropsychology (AACN) Conference this week in Chicago. We will have many of your favorite products on display, including the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB) and Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF2).

We will also have some of our newest products on hand, including an innovative take on the traditional trail-making task, the Trails-X, and a new measure that assesses executive functioning following concussion, the PostConcussion Executive Inventory.

Make sure to stop by our booth and take advantage of your 15% conference discount (including free shipping and handling) on all purchases, and pick up a free PAR notebook (while supplies last).  

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The PAR Assessment Toolkit was created to provide assistance to psychologists, mental health workers, and anyone who administers standardized assessments. The Toolkit provides shortcuts to the tools you use on a daily basis. The PAR Assessment Toolkit is free for iOS 10 and Android users.

These useful tools will save you time and effort, and in the end empower you to focus your time and energy on more important details. We have provided this app free of charge to further assist our Customers as well as continue our mission of Creating Connections and Changing Lives.

The toolkit includes multiple features such as a normal curve, conversion chart, age calculator, stopwatch, and a QR code reader. One can also browse PAR products, blogs, videos, and webinars on the toolkit application.

Download the app today!

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PAR’s University Partnership Program (UPP) is dedicated to assisting you and your students as they pursue advanced degrees.

Our program consists of eight essential elements, all focused on providing you support. Take a look at our Circle of Support to learn how the UPP takes on tasks that give you time—time that you can invest in your students.

The UPP program can be used by those in a number of degree programs that teach assessment.

Many offers and services are provided under the UPP program, such as reduced time spent reviewing tests thanks to our concierge service, discounts for students and researchers, and free products. Plus, PAR guarantees your order will be shipped the same day you order it, and if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can simply return it.

Interersted in becoming part of the UPP program? Call 866.727.2884 or e-mail upp@parinc.com.

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Last year we posted a blog about our commitment to provide our Customers with additional sources of information about our products through a series of white papers.

Since that time, we’ve released a number of new white papers that are available to you at no cost.

The Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function–Preschool Version (BRIEF-P). This resource helps readers learn about enhanced interpretation of the BRIEF-P, complete with illustrative case samples. You can find the new white paper under the Resources tab on the BRIEF-P page or via this direct link.

The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI). This white paper provides you with insights into the creation and use of a research repository for the PAI. Customers can find the new white paper under the Resources tab on the PAI page or via this direct link.

The Self-Directed Search (VeteranSDS). This white paper explains how the VeteranSDS report and other tools can be used to assist military veterans transitioning to civilian careers. The new white paper can be found under the Resources tab on the SDS page or via this direct link.

The Feifer Assessment of Reading and the Feifer Assessment of Mathematics (FAR and FAM). This resource will help you learn more about using built-in skills, error, and behavior analyses to assist in the development of more effective reading and math interventions. To see this new white paper, go to the Resources tab on the FAR or FAM page, or use this direct link.

The PDD Behavior Inventory (PDDBI). A new white paper explains the process and rationale behind the release of the Spanish translation of the PDDBI Parent Form. The new white paper can be accessed under the Resources tab on the PDDBI page or via this direct link.

We hope you find that these documents enhance your use of our instruments. Watch for more white papers in the future!  

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PAR offers supplemental resources for many of our products. Now we’ve made it easier for you to locate them! In addition to specific resources being available on product pages under the Resources tab, we’ve gathered them in one place for easy browsing. View white papers, bibliographies, PowerPoint presentations, and more. The Supplemental Resources page is continually updated, so check back frequently!

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Though commonly thought of as a sports injury, concussion can occur as the result of everyday play, too. Each year, more than 1 million children and adolescents are diagnosed with a concussion, or mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI).  About 30% of these injuries are non-sports related.

When children and adolescents return to school following a diagnosis of concussion, they may have functional difficulties (like trouble concentrating, memory problems, and irritability) that can affect their ability to perform and learn in school.

The new PostConcussion Executive Inventory™ is an evidence-based instrument for children ages 5 to 18 years used to assess functioning and monitor recovery following concussion. It measures change in cognitive and emotional regulation to determine if postconcussion-related behaviors are due to concussion or were present prior to injury. This information helps schools develop appropriate return-to-learn plans that address the student’s specific postinjury needs, which may include temporary accommodations and interventions.

Items for the PostConcussion Executive Inventory, the first in a new ConcussTrack™ suite of products, were selected from the Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function®, Second Edition, the gold-standard rating form for executive function testing. 

Learn more about students returning to school following concussion on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s HEADS UP to Schools webpage. 

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The PDDBI family of products is growing! Free interactive training on how to use PDDBI products is now available on the PAR Training Portal. Whether you are a long-time user and want a greater understanding of the product or are considering purchasing for the first time, this course will give you greater insight into the assessment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the decisions made when developing the PDDBI, and how the different components work together. The PAR Training Portal is a free, on-demand resource available 24/7. Visit partrainingportal.com today!


In addition, we are pleased to announce the release of the PDDBI Parent Form in Spanish! In addition to the Spanish form, we are releasing a white paper by Amy Kovacs Giella that explains the translation process. According the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 13% of the U.S. population primarily speaks Spanish at home. With autism diagnoses steadily rising, identification of Spanish-speaking individuals who may be at risk is vitally important. With the introduction of the PDDBI Parent Form in Spanish, this significant portion of the population can now benefit from the PDD Behavior Inventory product family for detection, diagnosis, and progress monitoring.

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Life is all about making choices. The Trails-X improves on traditional trail-making tests by allowing individuals to truly blaze their own path—they select a start and create their own path to success. Effectively measuring an individual’s executive planning through a more realistic task, the Trails-X assesses both executive planning skills and efficient decision-making in less than 10 minutes for individuals age 8 to 79 years.

The Trails-X is an innovative take on the traditional trail-making task that includes additional executive function demands by requiring examinees to connect circles of alternating colors with no designated start or end point.

Individually administered, the Trails-X offers nine trails that assess adaptive planning, coupled with psychomotor speed, cognitive flexibility, impulse control, flexible attention, and the ability to adapt to novel or changing situations. The examinee is asked to draw straight, nonoverlapping lines connecting circles of alternating colors and continue until all circles are connected. Individuals must work carefully to avoid crossing lines or being forced to discontinue before the task is complete. Examinees must plan their path and adapt while working as quickly as possible.


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