Did you know that graduate students and college educators can qualify for a significant discount on our products?

Grad students who are conducting master’s thesis or dissertation research using any of our proprietary assessment instruments can qualify for a 40% discount on those products. To qualify, the following conditions must be met:

•    The order subtotal must be $50.00 or more before the discount.
•    The product(s) you are ordering must be published by PAR.
•    You must complete a Graduate Student Discount Order Form and submit it
with your order.
•    If your school will be purchasing the assessment materials on your behalf, your completed discount form must be included with your school’s payment or purchase order.

Likewise, Customers who are conducting training with any of our proprietary assessment instruments in college or university measurement courses, internships, and/or clinical practicum programs can also qualify for a 40% discount on PAR products. To qualify, you must meet the first two specifications given above, and you must fill out the Training Program Discount Order Form and submit it with your order.

Why wait to start saving money? If you think you might qualify for one of these discounts, don’t hesitate—fill out a form today and submit it with your next order! For more information, visit or call our Customer Support Center at 1.800.331.8378.
