At the end of this year, Kay Cunningham will be retiring after 26 years at PAR. Kay joined PAR in 1991 as Chief Financial Officer and is retiring as President and Chief Operating Officer. Kay has been an integral member of the PAR team and will be leaving a lasting impression on everyone who had the honor to work with her. Throughout the next week, we will be sharing stories, memories, and well wishes as we send Kay on to her next chapter.
Kay is an amazing person—she is a wonderful blend of a strong, ambitious business woman while also being very caring and funny, too. She is one of the first to have a funny joke to share—and is often found talking about the recent football games (especially if it involves Alabama). She is courageous, too—I cannot imagine spending all those years sailing around the world like she did. It must have been an amazing experience but certainly not one for the weak! For me, Kay was an integral part of my learning of PAR and my development into my current role. She has always been there to provide advice or just be a listening ear. She approaches issues very thoughtfully and is not shy to share her opinion—a wonderful combination. I have such respect for Kay and all her contributions to PAR. It has been such a pleasure to work with her over the years. She will be greatly missed though I can only imagine what wonderful adventures, jokes, and good times await her. —Kristin Greco, Chief Executive Officer
In the 11 years I have worked for PAR, Kay has taught me what it means to be professional, to get to the heart of the matter by asking lots of questions, and to be flexible and resilient in business. She has taught this just by example—not by telling or by instructing, but by simply being a leader and allowing me to observe her over the years. I will miss her openness and sense of humor so much! —Erika Thompson, Manager of Production
Kay has been a great example of the wonderful leadership at PAR. She will be dearly missed by all. Her smile and laugh are infectious and her baking delicious. Best wishes for a relaxing and enjoyable retirement! —Vicki McFadden, Permissions Specialist
The greatest thing I learned from Kay over the years is how important it is to fully understand a situation before making a decision. She’s always asking questions and getting more information. Despite being in such an important position, she was never embarrassed to admit when she didn’t know something. I’ve also always been amazed at how much she knows about so many different topics! But most importantly, she is an amazing listener. No matter how trivial your problem was or how busy she was, she always made time. —Daniel McFadden, Manager of Customer Support
Kay, you have been such a valuable asset to PAR over the years! Your contributions to the overall strategy and daily operation of PAR, and the guidance you have provided to managers and staff will be sorely missed. I’ve learned a great deal from you, from how to look at a certain situation from a different perspective, to questioning things that just don’t seem to fit. And coming from someone who can never remember a joke from beginning to end, your humor is enlightening and envious. You have truly passed on to the rest of us the knowledge that devotion to Customers and understanding their needs is what keeps us in business. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Retirement will surely offer you many new opportunities, which I know you will embrace wholeheartedly. —Vicki King, Executive Assistant to the CEO and Executive Chairman
Having working directly with Kay for 11+ years, I will genuinely miss her leadership, encouragement, and knowledge. I will sincerely miss her! —Lottie Zack, Senior Administrator
From an internal perspective, Kay is an editor’s best friend, always responding to review items quickly and, 95% of the time, before anyone else has read them! She is such a genuinely nice person and always has a smile for everyone. She will be sorely missed! —Frank Filippone, Copywriter/Project Manager
I’ve worked with Kay for over 25 years! She became my supervisor many years ago and has helped me develop into the manager I am today. She always provides great advice and has helped pass her knowledge on to me. You’ve been a great friend and mentor over the years! Thanks for all your contributions to PAR and the DC!! Congratulations on a well-deserved retirement. Best wishes! —Greg Presson, Vice President of Distribution
I remember interviewing with Kay almost 13 years ago as she was transitioning from the CFO to COO. I have been fortunate to have had her leadership and guidance throughout my entire tenure at PAR. As she moved up in the organization, she has provided support to me in her “old” role and I am forever grateful for all of the lessons that I have learned. Her presence will be missed at PAR but her legacy will live on in all that we do! —Donna Drackett, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Come back over the next week as we share more well wishes!
If you’ve ever wanted to put a face to PAR’s amazing Customer Service, now you can! As part of PAR’s new Web site, we wanted our Customers to have a chance to become acquainted with the fantastic team behind those products you trust. Visit and click on Meet the Staff at the bottom of the page. Now you can see who you’ve been placing your orders with over the phone, who packed your most recent shipment and got it to you in a flash, and the team behind creating all those assessment products you trust. You may even be able to learn a little bit about some of our team.
We want you to see the PAR team! We can’t wait to meet you! Visit Meet the Staff now!