The Standard Inventory Measure of the Five-Factor Model Is Now Applicable to Those as Young as 12 Years

The new NEO™ Inventories for the NEO Personality Inventory-3™ (NEO-PI-3™), NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3™ (NEO-FFI-3™), and NEO Personality Inventory-Revised™ (NEO PI-R™)

by Robert R. McCrae, PhD and Paul T. Costa, PhD are now available. In  addition, several updated NEO software products are now available including the NEO Software System™  with NEO-PI-3™ , NEO PI-R™, NEO-FFI-3™ , and NEO PDR™ Modules; the NEO Software System™  with NEO-PI-3™ , NEO PI-R™, and NEO-FFI-3™  Modules; the NEO Software System™  On-Site Scanning Module for the NEO-PI-3™  and NEO PI-R™; as well as all materials needed for the NEO PI-R™ and NEO-PI-3™  Professional Report Service.

The NEO-PI-3™  provides a comprehensive and detailed assessment of adult and adolescent personality. It is a concise measure of the five major domains of personality (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness). The NEO-FFI-3™  is a 60-item version of the measure, ideal for situations where time is limited and global information on personality is sufficient. The NEO PI-R™  forms and norms have not changed with the update of the NEO™  Inventories Professional Manual.

Both the NEO-PI-3™  and NEO-FFI-3™  include a downward extension to age 12. Items have been revised to make them easier to read and more appropriate for younger examinees. Separate adolescent and adult norms are available. NEO-PI-3™  Profile Forms have been made larger and now more user-friendly; combined-sex Profile Forms are now available. New features such as the NEO Problems in Living Checklist and NEO Style Graph Booklet provide innovative ways to give clients feedback on their particular personality profile.

Try the NEO-3 and let us know what you think.
