DBR Connect is a Web-based behavioral progress monitoring tool that tracks three core behaviors: Academically Engaged, Disruptive, and Respectful. It can be used to screen at-risk students and monitor their behavior before, during, and after an intervention has been implemented.

Now we’ve added a recorded Webinar on DBR Connect to our on-demand course offerings on the PAR Training Portal. Log on to view DBR Connect: Using Technology to Facilitate Behavior Screening and Progress Monitoring presented by Sandra M. Chafouleas, PhD, University of Connecticut, coauthor of DBR Connect.

During this three-part recorded Webinar, you will:

  • Increase knowledge about the evidence supporting the use of direct behavior ratings in school-based assessment practices involving screening and progress monitoring.

  • Learn the benefits of electronic data systems that facilitate decisions about behavior supports.

  • Focus on how to use DBR Connect to collect, store, interpret, and communicate information with regard to an individual or group of students.

  • Gain insight on how to use DBR Connect in multi-tiered assessment frameworks, including use in combination with other assessment practices.

Training courses, recorded Webinars, and supplemental materials are available 24/7 on the Vocabulary Assessment Scales™ (VAS™), the Test of General Reasoning Ability™ (TOGRA™), the Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test™ (RAIT™), the Academic Achievement Battery™ (AAB™), the Child and Adolescent Memory Profile™ (ChAMP™), the Feifer Assessment of Reading™ (FAR™), and many more! There’s so much more to learn on the Training Portal!

To access the Training Portal, use your parinc.com username and password to log in. Don’t have a free account? Register now.
DBR Connect is an online direct behavior rating tool that helps educators, school psychologists, and school-based intervention teams assess at-risk students, rate student behavior and track success, and monitor student behavior over time. It can help identify problem behaviors and triggers and determine response to intervention (RTI) effectiveness in minutes.

Here are five things you should know about DBR Connect:

DBR Connect is easy – built-in sliders allow for simple, straightforward administration, and teachers or other professionals can assess student behavior online in about one minute per student.

DBR Connect is comprehensive—research has shown that the three core behavioral constructs in DBR Connect (Academically Engaged, Disruptive, and Respectful) are the most indicative of student success in the classroom.

DBR Connect is effective—according to the National Center on Intensive Intervention, DBR Connect is one of only two behavioral progress monitoring tools proven to be sensitive to student change.

DBR Connect is convenient—the online system completely eliminates paperwork and filing, although forms can be printed and data added to the system later, if desired. At the end of an observation period, a click of a button is all it takes to review data and generate reports.

DBR Connect is reliable—the system offers the strengths of both traditional rating scales and systematic direct observation.  This means teachers can not only identify specific behaviors in real time—and perhaps at the same time every day, such as in homeroom or during bell work—but they can also rate those behaviors.

Learn more about DBR Connect today!

Looking for an easy and effective way to track classroom behavior? Look no further than the DBR Connect. The DBR is an online tool that allows teachers, administrators, and school-based intervention teams to rate classroom behavior quickly and easily and track it over time.

 Based on more than a decade of research, DBR Connect was developed by school psychologists Drs. Sandra Chafoules and T. Chris Riley-Tillman, who know educators and school psychologists need a customizable assessment that requires limited materials and virtually no paperwork and can be completed quickly.

 Using built-in, easy-to-use sliders, users rate three core student behaviors—Academically Engaged, Disruptive, and Respectful—which studies have shown are the keys to school success. Users can also add customized behaviors tailored to their unique student population, such as “Uses cell phone during class.”

 In just a few minutes per day, teachers can easily monitor student behavior online and determine if intervention strategies are working. Results can be tracked by the behavior, by the student, by the teacher, across a school, or across an entire district. Charts and reports offer intervention recommendations.

Learn more about DBR Connect today!

